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고딩 조건

고딩 조건: Everything You Need to Know about High School Requirements in Korea

High school is a crucial time for every student’s academic journey. It is the last step before entering the real world, whether it is going to college or stepping into the job market. In Korea, high school is equally important and requires strict academic standards and qualifications. In this article, we will go in-depth about 고딩 조건, which translates to high school requirements in Korean. We will discuss everything from the graduation criteria to the mandatory qualifications required for employment and university.

고딩 조건 1: Graduation Requirements

The first 고딩 조건 is the graduation requirements. To earn a high school diploma in Korea, students must meet the following criteria:

1.1 Attend at least 99% of school days

The first criteria for graduation is that the student must attend at least 99% of the school days. This means that if a student is absent for more than 1% (about 4-5 days) of the school year, they will not be able to graduate. This is because every day of school is considered crucial for a student’s academic development.

1.2 Pass the High School Graduation Exam

The second criteria for graduation is that the student must pass the High School Graduation Exam. The exam consists of four subjects: Korean, math, English, and social studies. The purpose of the exam is to measure the student’s knowledge and understanding of basic academic concepts and skills. The exam is usually administered in November of the final year of high school.

1.3 Complete a minimum of 18 classes

In addition to the attendance and passing the exam, students must complete a minimum of 18 classes. The classes include Korean, mathematics, English, social studies, science, physical education, and ethical education. Korean students are required to learn about their country’s history, society, and culture in social studies and ethical education.

1.4 Complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service

Lastly, students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service. This is to encourage students to become active members of the community and give back to society. The community service must be approved by the school and must be non-profit.

고딩 조건 2: Admission Requirements

To enter a high school in Korea, students must meet certain admission requirements. These requirements include:

2.1 Graduation certificate of middle school

To enter high school, students must provide a graduation certificate from middle school. This proves that the student has completed their middle school education, which is a requirement for high school admission.

2.2 High School Entrance Exam

To gain admission to high school, prospective students must also pass the High School Entrance Exam. The exam tests students’ knowledge and understanding of the critical subjects they have studied in middle school. The subjects covered include Korean, math, English, and social studies.

2.3 Interview

Another crucial factor in the admission process is the interview. The interview is conducted to assess the student’s motivation, academic goals, and extracurricular activities. The interview holds significant weight in the admission decision.

고딩 조건 3: Mandatory Qualifications for Employment

In Korea, certain jobs require specific qualifications and certifications. Therefore, these qualifications are considered mandatory for employment. Some of the mandatory qualifications for employment include:

3.1 Computer Certification

With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, computer literacy is essential. Korea recognizes this and has made computer certifications a mandatory qualification for employment. The certification includes Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and PC Master.

3.2 TOEIC Certification

English is crucial in the global marketplace. Therefore, most jobs in Korea require proficiency in the English language. The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is a test that measures the English proficiency of non-native speakers. In Korea, TOEIC certification is mandatory for employment in many fields, including finance, marketing, and technology.

3.3 Accounting Certification

The Korean government requires accounting certifications for individuals who will handle financial transactions. Companies dealing with finance, taxation, audit, and accounting require their employees to have an accounting certification. Examples of such certifications include Korean Certified Public Accountant (KCPA) and Korean Association of Certified Public Tax Accountants (KACPTA).

고딩 조건 4: University Admission Requirements

The university admission process in Korea is competitive, and therefore, universities have stringent admission requirements. Some of the requirements include:

4.1 High School Graduation Certificate

To enter a university in Korea, students must provide their high school graduation certificate. This certificate proves that the student has met all the requirements for graduation and has the necessary academic qualifications to attend university.

4.2 University Entrance Exam

The University Entrance Exam is an essential part of the admission process. The exam tests the student’s knowledge and understanding of the academic subjects they studied in high school. The subjects tested include Korean, math, English, and social studies. Depending on the university and program, additional subjects may be included.

4.3 Extracurricular Activities

Universities in Korea also look at the applicant’s extracurricular activities when making admission decisions. The activities may include volunteering, leadership positions in student organizations, sports, and music.

고딩 조건 5: Additional Requirements Based on Major

In addition to the general admission requirements to university, some majors require additional qualifications and certifications. The additional requirements are based on the major the student wishes to study.

5.1 Medical Majors

For medical majors such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing, the students must pass the National Medical Examination. The examination consists of nine subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics.

5.2 Engineering Majors

Engineering majors require proof of Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) or Science Achievement Test (SAT) scores. The test covers basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

고딩 조건 6: Co-Curricular Activity and Club Participation

Co-curricular activities and club participation are crucial aspects of the high school experience in Korea. The activities and clubs also promote the student’s emotional, social, and mental development. These activities are important as they show the student’s diverse interests and dynamic personalities.

In conclusion, 고딩 조건, or high school requirements in Korea, are rigorous and detailed. Korean students must prove their academic proficiency, motivation, and involvement in extracurricular activities. The requirements not only reflect the academic rigor of education, but they also emphasize the importance of developing well-rounded individuals. By meeting these requirements, Korean students are better equipped to succeed in their future career and personal lives.


1. How do I meet the requirements for graduation in Korea?

To meet the requirements for graduation in Korea, students must attend 99% of the school days, pass the High School Graduation Exam, complete a minimum of 18 classes, and complete 40 hours of community service.

2. What are the requirements to enter high school in Korea?

To enter high school in Korea, students must provide a graduation certificate from middle school, pass the High School Entrance Exam, and participate in an interview.

3. What are the mandatory qualifications for employment in Korea?

Mandatory qualifications for employment in Korea include computer certification, TOEIC certification, and accounting certification.

4. What are the university admission requirements in Korea?

University admission requirements in Korea include providing a high school graduation certificate, passing the University Entrance Exam, and showing extracurricular activities.

5. What additional requirements do some majors require in Korea?

Some majors in Korea may require students to pass the National Medical Examination or provide proof of Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) or Science Achievement Test (SAT) scores.

6. How important are co-curricular activities and club participation in Korea?

Co-curricular activities and club participation are important in Korea as they promote the student’s emotional, social, and mental development. They also show the student’s diverse interests and dynamic personalities.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 고딩 조건

Categories: Top 12 고딩 조건

‘교복입고 있어?’ 미성년자 조건만남의 창구 채팅앱 ‘충격’

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‘교복입고 있어?’ 미성년자 조건만남의 창구 채팅앱 ‘충격’

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